
- Never skip a beat! : Regulate & balance all heart vitals
- Your heart’s caretaker: 8+ heart-enriching ingredients
- Healthy & Heart-y you: With a complete heart care solution
- Active cellular & metabolic function: Keeps your heart stress-free
- Enhanced Absorption Formula: Powered by BioPepper for maximum CoQ10 absorption.
- Antioxidant Support: Fight free radicals for better cellular protection.

BLOOD CIRCULATION: Avoids build-up allowing the heart to contract, relax & pump properly.

CELLULAR HEALTH: Safeguards cells against oxidative stress & generates energy in the cells.

HEALTHY VITALS: Regulates insulin resistance & helps to stabilize cholesterol & BP levels.
Arjuna Bark - Regulates blood sugar, cholesterol & blood pressure levels.
Resveratrol - Reduces pressure on the arteries and relaxes the blood vessels.
CoQ10- Manages energy levels & oxidative damage for optimal heart functioning.
Grape Seed - Antioxidant-rich that governs inflammation allowing smooth blood flow.
CoQ10 or coenzymeQ10 is a natural enzyme & potent antioxidant essential for cellular energy production. CoQ10 levels decline with age. Hence supplements help.
Garlic is known to be a blood thinner due to its anti-platelet properties that discourage blood clots & reduce the risk of heart problems.
It is highly recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle, have a balanced diet & proper exercise routine. You can even consult our expert dietician for the same.
Both men & women can take 1 tablet of Heart Care. But, pregnant or nursing women & individuals with any health condition should consult their doctor.
Yes, it is an expert-approved & vegan formula made as per the RDA protocols & is certified by FSSAI, making it fit for consumption & side-effect free.